EMMILEA  Equipa Móvel Multidisciplinar de Intervenção Local Especializada e de Autoajuda

A sociedade está em constante mudança e interpela-nos a evoluir na missão de cuidar. É um desafio coletivo, de corresponsabilização e de cooperação. Neste âmbito, nasceu o projeto EMMILEA – Equipa Móvel Multidisciplinar de Intervenção Local Especializada e Autoajuda.


  • Colmatar os desafios inerentes ao processo de demência e/ou dependência;
  • Proporcionar o acesso a recursos que permitem melhorar a qualidade de vida;
  • Reforçar o bem-estar físico, psicológico e emocional;
  • Retardar a institucionalização;Atenuar o isolamento social e a solidão.

Equipa multidisciplinar:

  • Técnica de Serviço Social;
  • Psicóloga;
  • Terapeuta Ocupacional;
  • Musicoterapeuta;
  • Técnica Auxiliar de Reabilitação e Fisioterapia.


  • Ação 1 – Realização de sessões individuais com técnicas especializadas, por forma e retardar os efeitos físicos, cognitivos, sensoriais e emocionais associados ao processo de envelhecimento/dependência, ampliando as intervenções e acompanhamento do utente no domicílio;
  • Ação 2 – Distribuição de equipamentos de teleassistência, de modo a reforçar a segurança e a capacidade de ação em caso de emergência;
  • Ação 3 – Dinamização de grupos de autoajuda para cuidadores informais, reforçando o apoio social, a ligação comunitária e o sentimento de pertença social;
  • Ação 4 – Apoio aos cuidadores informais, nas necessidades sentidas no dia-a-dia pelo cuidador.
  • Beneficiários:
  • Pessoa com demência ou elevado grau de dependência física, dando prioridade a situações de risco de isolamento social, ou de carência socioeconómica.
  • Cuidadores informais.

Abrangência:  Concelho de Ourém

O projeto iniciou com apoio concedido através dos Fundos da União Europeia, e posteiormente do Prémio BPI Fundação “La Caixa” Seniores.

Contactos: Agende a sua avaliação gratuita!

Telef.: 249538352 | 910 979 855

Email: emmilea@misericordiafatimaourem.com

Mais informações AQUI (link para página de ação social, EMMILEA)


●      Panfleto

Project 2

We are very demanding in terms of direct care to users, in terms of human relations between employees and users, with their well-being and with the quality of the services provided, however we admit the limitations of the physical structure of the current space - a rented building, over 30 years old, initially intended for residential tourism, which today is unsuited to the requirements and needs of the population to which the mission of the Holy House is intended - the big dependents because of age and disease, in particular dementia.
This is a problem that is intended to be solved by building a new structure, allowing the inclusion of the various answers, with the greatest dignity.
The new ERPI will have a maximum capacity of 50 users, including several activities and leisure areas, including a large garden open to the community. It will be located on land provided by the Junta de Freguesia of Fatima, in the rural area of Fatima, within walking distance of the city center.
Currently in the final licensing phase, we invite you to view the video, to know our dream through the 3D project.This is a problem that is intended to be solved by building a new structure, which allows the inclusion of the various answers, with the utmost dignity.

Project 3

We are very demanding in terms of direct care to users, in terms of human relations between employees and users, with their well-being and with the quality of the services provided, however we admit the limitations of the physical structure of the current space - a rented building, over 30 years old, initially intended for residential tourism, which today is unsuited to the requirements and needs of the population to which the mission of the Holy House is intended - the big dependents because of age and disease, in particular dementia.
This is a problem that is intended to be solved by building a new structure, allowing the inclusion of the various answers, with the greatest dignity.
The new ERPI will have a maximum capacity of 50 users, including several activities and leisure areas, including a large garden open to the community. It will be located on land provided by the Junta de Freguesia of Fatima, in the rural area of Fatima, within walking distance of the city center.
Currently in the final licensing phase, we invite you to view the video, to know our dream through the 3D project.This is a problem that is intended to be solved by building a new structure, which allows the inclusion of the various answers, with the utmost dignity.

Headquarters Construction

We are very demanding in terms of direct care to users, in terms of human relations between employees and users, with their well-being and with the quality of the services provided, however we admit the limitations of the physical structure of the current space - a rented building, over 30 years old, initially intended for residential tourism, which today is unsuited to the requirements and needs of the population to which the mission of the Holy House is intended - the big dependents because of age and disease, in particular dementia.
This is a problem that is intended to be solved by building a new structure, allowing the inclusion of the various answers, with the greatest dignity.
The new ERPI will have a maximum capacity of 50 users, including several activities and leisure areas, including a large garden open to the community. It will be located on land provided by the Junta de Freguesia of Fatima, in the rural area of Fatima, within walking distance of the city center.
Currently in the final licensing phase, we invite you to view the video, to know our dream through the 3D project.This is a problem that is intended to be solved by building a new structure, which allows the inclusion of the various answers, with the utmost dignity.