Prayers Book

"(...) "I want to be like you, Lucia - Jacinta - Francisco", a beautiful tribute to popular piety that is also expressed in prayer forms (prayed, sung and drawn), many of them kept and learned only in the intimacy of the domestic sanctuary and which have now been collected in book by the users and friends of this praiseworthy institution and offered to Pope Francis (...)"

Msgr. Paolo Borgia - Vatican General Affairs Advisor

This book is the result of the joint work between users, volunteers and friends of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Fatima-Ourém, which had the special participation of the students of the Sagrado Coração de Maria College, who gave color to this work, contributing their creativity to the illustrations. The musicality of this project is a contribution of the Music Conservatory of Fátima

"I want to be like you! Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta "gathers several prayers that were taught by our ancestors, some from the time of the Pastorinhos, others fruit of the faith of women and men after the Apparitions of Nossa Senhora.

Este é um projeto que nasceu do desejo de contribuir para as Comemorações do Centenário das Aparições de Nossa Senhora de Fátima e homenagear os nossos Pastorinhos Lúcia, Francisco e Jacinta. E, se Deus quiser, irá ajudar-nos a realizar verbas para iniciar a construção da nossa sede, equipamento tão necessário para fazer face aos crescentes pedidos de apoio.

This is a project born from the desire to contribute to the Celebrations of the Centenary of the Apparitions of Nossa Senhora de Fátima and to pay homage to our Pastorinhos Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. And, God willing, it will help us to make funds to start the construction of our headquarters, equipment so necessary to face the growing calls for support.